[ textconfig ] reboot = 0 abort_on_error = 0 [ webinterface ] local_http = 1 remote_http = 1 remote_https = 1 http_port = 81 https_port = 443 [ address ] ip = netmask = [ routing local ] list = d [ com1 ] pin = 4893 provider_mode = auto provider_mode2 = auto auto_login = 1 hour_out = 00 min_out = 01 hour_in = 00 min_in = 02 [ terminal1 ] [ dialin ] start_dialin = 0 idletime = 0 dialin_prio = 0 rings = 1 authentication = 1 callback0 = 0 callback1 = 0 callback2 = 0 callback3 = 0 callback4 = 0 callback5 = 0 callback6 = 0 callback7 = 0 callback8 = 0 callback9 = 0 ip_local_intern = ip_remote_intern = callback = 0 [ routing dialin ] default_route = 1 nat_incoming = 1 nat_outgoing = 1 list = d [ firewall dialin ] start_firewall = 0 list = d [ openvpn server dialin ] start_openvpn_server = 0 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 client_to_client = 0 pool_ip = pool_netmask = list = d auth_type = static remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = dh_parameters = -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIGHAoGBAOx7lEN9Inn2xQm9yXHbKIf36YtRl+Cv3W9XlQ9xOCXcPZkPjVDPswcr iDTuCwXsTrvUHuTAxNaRNITFw2BgK2fZFoi62Oy49EDlRXTlg3nhKZNh4d+QZEZV 3hNpZOFX76BJzXYkm8HbuYlVq5czjtAPetSztG2dexcErsy/uewDAgEC -----END DH PARAMETERS----- [ openvpn client dialin ] start_openvpn_client = 0 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 bind = 1 check_server_cert = 0 auth_type = static remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = [ ipsec dialin ] start_ipsec = 0 auth_mode = main ike_cipher = 3des ike_hash = sha1 ike_dh = modp1024 ipsec_cipher = 3des ipsec_hash = sha1 key_attempts = 3 nat_traversal = on keep_alive = 10 pfs = 1 dpd_interval = 30 dpd_timeout = 120 dpd_action = restart key_lifetime = 3600 auth_type = cert masquerade = 1 [ dialout ] start_dialout = 1 dialnumber = '*99***1#' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes username = 'testprofil' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes password = 'temporary' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes auth = both auth_b = both apn = corporate.swisscom.ch apn_b = apn.provider sim = 1 fetch_dns = 1 idletime = 0 maxtime = 0 prio = target_a flat = 1 check_interval = 10 check_type = dns dns_target = ptbtime1.ptb.de ping_target = www.XYZ.xyz auto_daily_start = 0 auto_hour_start = 0 auto_minutes_start = 1 auto_daily_stop = 0 auto_hour_stop = 0 auto_minutes_stop = 0 [ routing dialout ] default_route = 1 nat_incoming = 1 nat_outgoing = 1 list = d [ dialfilters dialout ] start_dialfilter = 0 list = d [ firewall dialout ] start_firewall = 0 list = d [ portforward dialout ] start_portforwarding = 1 list = d new_entry = protocol = tcp ; source_port_start = 80 ; dest_ip = ; dest_port = 80 new_entry = protocol = tcp ; source_port_start = 2455 ; dest_ip = ; dest_port = 2455 new_entry = protocol = tcp ; source_port_start = 5800 ; dest_ip = ; dest_port = 5800 new_entry = protocol = tcp ; source_port_start = 5900 ; dest_ip = ; dest_port = 5900 [ openvpn server dialout ] start_openvpn_server = 1 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 client_to_client = 0 pool_ip = pool_netmask = list = d auth_type = cert remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = dh_parameters = -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIGHAoGBAOx7lEN9Inn2xQm9yXHbKIf36YtRl+Cv3W9XlQ9xOCXcPZkPjVDPswcr iDTuCwXsTrvUHuTAxNaRNITFw2BgK2fZFoi62Oy49EDlRXTlg3nhKZNh4d+QZEZV 3hNpZOFX76BJzXYkm8HbuYlVq5czjtAPetSztG2dexcErsy/uewDAgEC -----END DH PARAMETERS----- ca_certificate = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDHTCCAoagAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBmDELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0gx CzAJBgNVBAgTAlpIMRYwFAYDVQQHEw1CcnVldHRpc2VsbGVuMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxn YXRld2ViIEdtYkgxDzANBgNVBAsTBnJlbW90ZTEbMBkGA1UEAwwSQ0FfT3BlblZQ Tl9nYXRld2ViMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBpbmZvQGdhdGV3ZWIubmV0MB4XDTEx MDEyNDA4MjYwMFoXDTE2MDEyNDA4MjYwMFowgZgxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNIMQswCQYD VQQIEwJaSDEWMBQGA1UEBxMNQnJ1ZXR0aXNlbGxlbjEVMBMGA1UEChMMZ2F0ZXdl YiBHbWJIMQ8wDQYDVQQLEwZyZW1vdGUxGzAZBgNVBAMMEkNBX09wZW5WUE5fZ2F0 ZXdlYjEfMB0GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYQaW5mb0BnYXRld2ViLm5ldDCBnzANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEApiaBcbsG3yWOZyBzFXgQQeCurF3Rwk6KNPcdfClN 9jLT66Dh+GjXK9Gp0dtMaNvNxwQiGsUBAtt3wOuOvfYGzcjRysGzTUdQPdGgc/d1 n72KMN09plXCzVsurOwcFidPrqLgzjMjfV5YiqLAnLW67Yv/ZM9p0mOLGA6Ukgn0 yeECAwEAAaN1MHMwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU9n7zplqc oWSvFEtGJE9+ZhQHci4wCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMBEGCWCGSAGG+EIBAQQEAwIABzAe BglghkgBhvhCAQ0EERYPeGNhIGNlcnRpZmljYXRlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GB AJ1Yw8A2qjztQrrPZok7wklm4W4/Rh90E11ZM6qd7bVzOlt4zZqT5Xq/a+G3/Lne 3W9Rqt3GUliRI4fgcrcd+7GwNWXWOz/DN1ccpjqAGNRfAC9/3JPlntMDKAUhD/XH KHc1PQ6/hmi/3TTpUUXyjKS0MFoSgUPD0sVCdohXFYzs -----END CERTIFICATE----- public_certificate = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDGTCCAoKgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBmDELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0gx CzAJBgNVBAgTAlpIMRYwFAYDVQQHEw1CcnVldHRpc2VsbGVuMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxn YXRld2ViIEdtYkgxDzANBgNVBAsTBnJlbW90ZTEbMBkGA1UEAwwSQ0FfT3BlblZQ Tl9nYXRld2ViMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBpbmZvQGdhdGV3ZWIubmV0MB4XDTEx MDEyNDA4MjcwMFoXDTEyMDEyNDA4MjcwMFowgZoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNIMQswCQYD VQQIEwJaSDEWMBQGA1UEBxMNQnJ1ZXR0aXNlbGxlbjEVMBMGA1UEChMMZ2F0ZXdl YiBHbWJIMQ8wDQYDVQQLEwZyZW1vdGUxHTAbBgNVBAMMFEhUVFBTX09wZW5WUE5f U2VydmVyMR8wHQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhBpbmZvQGdhdGV3ZWIubmV0MIGfMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDFW7W65OGxgzZ3PTVBcHDeS78cV27xjq28e/op Zk+uo6rvpG7iCVuzsxl37slGn7z2PKrO0A6l1S+ypOJ7/lQI7jWzwlwiSN4vWGXr nDtjeIbKXRYQu+PaTIwODh+DdzmCFcfvw9Y/YKFkqkrV1+uv/0QmzARjDzM76IBe c2K9SwIDAQABo28wbTAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSXJAFB8XZs5OMr 1KMguCTptMZpozALBgNVHQ8EBAMCBeAwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgZAMB4GCWCG SAGG+EIBDQQRFg94Y2EgY2VydGlmaWNhdGUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEAbjQ7 AGm4an8eawj+MzeIl2iTXCN9qPHRNQNcf4XDHPbB70/Q6lAsjtt8dUyYKHLngUSP UgZ5pIBDHgqlf3Ny8rvdfnAKJJ3pWoDhqC+E/856hyBBKobTfdDHY4Ne1t8CPpb2 vOoXIkWjFy8foBxJXxZW0+BN/SxsR4ZxcbjAgtA= -----END CERTIFICATE----- private_key = #A valid value for this parameter exists but it is not downloadable static_key = -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- 315e14bb0ed1d360c3b7f6db997472ae 16869efb036d13010885883294bb928f fef6762735840ba958cc7c5558705381 67ecfa3849de0828f994565b59473c5c 5f059f9ee02af0c0a531354303a75032 657970d12178fefa433b08b173d98f72 6797522c9ea87b8d59b97ec148dce6df 3ae0505b65ac7b039d0b60cf1d1b3cd0 c9c57e594dcf6f49ea2d2a6981efef36 4f62973b9ec0c3b74077c80e4d04c29e be29fd7bf0c20bf481f8b212a029222c 7c25d116e1b6495a989c26dd08a561b5 f53b83556c4be727ed5023c847841b23 f662bb377d6ec65084eea2adbc9b7e3d c569b8804e5fb4554aac91128d4f0e60 18357d1443160cd46db4f48c2c430867 -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- [ openvpn client dialout ] start_openvpn_client = 2 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 bind = 1 check_server_cert = 0 auth_type = static remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = [ ipsec dialout ] start_ipsec = 0 auth_mode = main ike_cipher = 3des ike_hash = sha1 ike_dh = modp1024 ipsec_cipher = 3des ipsec_hash = sha1 key_attempts = 3 nat_traversal = on keep_alive = 10 pfs = 1 dpd_interval = 30 dpd_timeout = 120 dpd_action = restart key_lifetime = 3600 auth_type = cert masquerade = 1 [ lanext ] lan_ext_mode = off ip = netmask = [ redundant ] start_redundant = 0 check_type = dns check_interval = 5 fallback_interval = 10 [ dsl ] idletime = 20 maxtime = 0 mtu = 1412 mru = 1500 check_interval = 5 flat = 0 fetch_dns = 1 dns_target = ptbtime1.ptb.de check_type = dns ping_target = www.XYZ.xyz auto_daily_start = 0 auto_daily_stop = 0 auto_hour_start = 0 auto_minutes_start = 0 auto_hour_stop = 0 auto_minutes_stop = 0 [ routing lan ] default_route = 0 nat_incoming = 1 nat_outgoing = 1 list = d [ dialfilters lan ] start_dialfilter = 0 list = d [ firewall lan ] start_firewall = 0 list = d [ portforward lan ] start_portforwarding = 1 list = d [ openvpn server lan ] start_openvpn_server = 0 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 client_to_client = 0 pool_ip = pool_netmask = list = d auth_type = static remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = dh_parameters = -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIGHAoGBAOx7lEN9Inn2xQm9yXHbKIf36YtRl+Cv3W9XlQ9xOCXcPZkPjVDPswcr iDTuCwXsTrvUHuTAxNaRNITFw2BgK2fZFoi62Oy49EDlRXTlg3nhKZNh4d+QZEZV 3hNpZOFX76BJzXYkm8HbuYlVq5czjtAPetSztG2dexcErsy/uewDAgEC -----END DH PARAMETERS----- [ openvpn client lan ] start_openvpn_client = 0 lport = 1194 rport = 1194 protocol = udp float = 1 comp_lzo = 1 masquerade = 1 cipher = BF-CBC verb = 3 reneg = 3600 ping = 30 restart = 60 bind = 1 check_server_cert = 0 auth_type = static remote_peer = local_vpn_ip = remote_vpn_ip = remote_net = remote_netmask = [ ipsec lan ] start_ipsec = 0 auth_mode = main ike_cipher = 3des ike_hash = sha1 ike_dh = modp1024 ipsec_cipher = 3des ipsec_hash = sha1 key_attempts = 3 nat_traversal = on keep_alive = 10 pfs = 1 dpd_interval = 30 dpd_timeout = 120 dpd_action = restart key_lifetime = 3600 auth_type = cert masquerade = 1 [ inputs ] in2 = off in2_dial_exclusive = 0 in2_dial_stop = 0 in2_ipsec_exclusive = 0 in2_ipsec_stop = 0 in2_serial_stop = 0 [ outputs ] out1_set = idle out2_set = idle out1_daily_operated = 0 out1_daily_operated_hour = 20 out1_daily_operated_min = 0 out1_daily_idle = 0 out1_daily_idle_hour = 20 out1_daily_idle_min = 1 out2_daily_operated = 0 out2_daily_operated_hour = 21 out2_daily_operated_min = 0 out2_daily_idle = 0 out2_daily_idle_hour = 21 out2_daily_idle_min = 1 out1 = off out2 = off [ switch port ] active1 = 1 active2 = 1 active3 = 1 active4 = 1 autoneg1 = 1 autoneg2 = 1 autoneg3 = 1 autoneg4 = 1 speed1 = 0 speed2 = 0 speed3 = 0 speed4 = 0 duplex1 = 0 duplex2 = 0 duplex3 = 0 duplex4 = 0 [ switch led ] led_green = 100 led_orange = link_activity [ switch vlan ] start_vlan = 0 vlana_port1 = 0 vlana_port2 = 0 vlana_port3 = 0 vlana_port4 = 0 vlana_port5 = 0 vlanb_port1 = 0 vlanb_port2 = 0 vlanb_port3 = 0 vlanb_port4 = 0 vlanb_port5 = 0 vlanc_port1 = 0 vlanc_port2 = 0 vlanc_port3 = 0 vlanc_port4 = 0 vlanc_port5 = 0 vland_port1 = 0 vland_port2 = 0 vland_port3 = 0 vland_port4 = 0 vland_port5 = 0 port1_tag = r port2_tag = r port3_tag = r port4_tag = r [ switch mirror ] sniffer_port = off tx_port = off rx_port = off [ serial ethernet basic ] start_serial = 0 connection_mode = demand incoming = 1 outgoing = off listen_port = 1234 auth_outgoing = off auth_incoming = 0 increase_interval = 0 [ serial ethernet interfaces ] speed = 115200 databits = 8 parity = N stopbits = 1 flowctrl = hard ctl = 1 reset_ctl = 1 blocksize = 512 aggregationtime = 100 idletime = 0 keepalive_interval = 0 telnet = 0 [ serial ethernet modem ] modem_emulation = 0 ate = 1 atq = 0 atv = 1 ats0 = 1 at_answer_list = -----BEGIN AT ANSWER LIST----- i="Serial Ethernet Gateway Version 1.0" -----END AT ANSWER LIST----- [ message ] port = 25 scn = +41794999000 [ email ] start_email = 0 list = d [ sms ] start_sms = 0 list = d [ dns ] [ dyndns ] start_dyndns = 1 provider = dyndns domain = morex.dyndns.info username = 'gatemoros' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes password = 'gatemoros' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes [ dhcp ] start_dhcpserver = 1 dhcp_ip_start = dhcp_ip_end = leasetime = 3600 list = d [ proxy ] start_proxy = 0 port = 8888 timeout = 600 max_clients = 10 min_spare = 1 max_spare = 5 filter = 0 list = d [ settime ] day = 09 mon = 03 year = 2011 hour = 11 min = 28 timezone = Europe/Regensburg ntp_server = ptbtime1.ptb.de start_ntp_client = 1 daily_sync_hour = 2 daily_sync_min = 0 daily_sync = 0 [ reset daily ] reset_daily = 0 hour = 1 minute = 0 [ update ] start_auto_update = 0 timing_type = mac time_hour = 0 time_min = 15 protocol = http port = 80 [ sandbox ] start_sandbox = 0 serial = 0 password = 'user' #This value has to be enclosed in single quotes